Sunday, September 16, 2007

Lots o' goodies!

Hey happy people! Long time no... blog. Or something. Anyhoo, here's part of what I've been up to, because I know you've been dying to know.

Here's a sensationally fantabulous crocheted afghan square. The pattern is, yet again, based on one of the squares in Jan Eaton's 200 Crochet Blocks. Since I can't be bothered with silly details like gauge, this pattern worked really well for me - I crocheted until one edge (or leg, since we are looking at a right triangle here [don't make me break out the Pythagorean Theorem. I'll do it. Go ahead. Dare me.]) was 10" long, then I made it smaller. Jesus, am I clever or what?

Here is the beginning of a super-archi-uber secret Christmas project. I bet that not one single person can guess what this is. Ha! You have to wait until December 26th to find out. I won't torture you all with any more tempting pictures.
I participated in the Knitter's Virtual Vacation Swap, and my pal was Aline from jolly France! She sent me some awesome goodies, and now I miss France and want to go back right now. Above, we have some lovely toiletries that smell heavenly: blackberry bath gel and lotion, and a purifying lemon mask. Yum!

Here are some delectable edibles: confiture de lait (which translates to milk jelly; trust me, it tastes better than it sounds), strawberry jam, and almond nougat. YUM.

And last, but most certainly not least, we have the yarn, which she ordered specially from La Droguerie (I know I spelled that incorrectly). On the left, you've got the teal bamboo. I'm loving it. In the middle, we have the brick colored linen. Oh my. And finally, I present to you the beige cotton, which is squishy and soft. Thank you Aline! Je te remercie mille fois!!

And naturally, the Eiffel Tower keychain goes with me everywhere these days. ;o)

My baby started kindergarten this week. WWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. Doesn't she look cute in her uniform though? The week went fairly well, with only the lunch bag disappearing forever. Oh well. She is learning about endangered species this year, and her teacher friggin' ROCKS. Maybe I shouldn't say friggin'. It is a Catholic school. I'm always afraid I'm going to get struck by lightning when I go to pick her up. Maybe God is giving me a break because I'm educating my progeny in the Catholic tradition. Although she does refer to Jesus as Cheezin, so I'm not sure how well the education is going so far. Hm.

Oh my God (maybe I shouldn't say that), how cute are these two? I'm a lucky woman.

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At 4:36 AM, Blogger One Little Birdie said...

Yea, you are! Lucky!

At 5:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what the uber-secret project is...but I ain't sayin'.


anne marie

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Liz K. said...

Oh, you're making me a ripple blanket! Yay!

Actually, you'll be teaching me to ripple, right??

At 3:49 PM, Blogger LadyLinoleum said...

Awwww....babies grow up so fast! I think the secret project is a scarf. Am I right? If not, my second choice is a blanket. Love the square!

At 12:47 AM, Blogger jackie said...

wonderul stash from your vacation! and it is amazing how quickly babies grow up. mine went off to college this morning. hope yours has a great time in kindergarten. and have fun with all of your projects.


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